Plymouth nurses on strike for second day over pay dispute – Plymouth Live

The Royal College of Nursing has said it will still staff chemotherapy, emergency cancer services, dialysis, critical care units, neonatal and paediatric intensive care, as well as some other services
Nurses are due to go on strike today at Derriford Hospital in a second walkout over pay. Hospitals and community teams are taking part in the strike, alongside all trusts in Northern Ireland and all but one health board in Wales.
The Royal College of Nursing is locked in a bitter dispute with the Government over pay, with ministers saying the salary rise demanded by unions is unaffordable. The RCN has been calling for a pay rise of 5% above inflation, although it has indicated it would accept a lower offer.
When it submitted the 5% figure to the independent pay review body in March, inflation was running at 7.5%. But inflation has since soared, with RPI standing at 14.2% in September. The RCN has said it will still staff chemotherapy, emergency cancer services, dialysis, critical care units, neonatal and paediatric intensive care, as well as some other services.
Speaking ahead of the strike, RCN chief executive Pat Cullen said: “The Prime Minister should ask himself what is motivating nursing staff to stand outside their hospitals for a second day so close to Christmas. They are prepared to sacrifice a day’s pay to have their concerns heard. Their determination stems as much from worries over patient safety and the future of the NHS than personal hardship. Rishi Sunak is under growing pressure in Westminster following last Thursday’s strike and he should listen to people around him."
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told reporters on Monday the Government had adopted a “fair and responsible approach to pay”. He stressed the need to “combat inflation” which is “making everybody in the UK’s life difficult”, adding: “Part of us doing that is having a responsible and fair approach to pay.
“I’m really disappointed to see that the unions are calling these strikes, particularly at Christmas, particularly when it has such an impact on people’s day-to-day lives with the disruption it causes and the impact on their health. I would urge them to keep considering whether these strikes are really necessary and do everything they can to alleviate the impact it’s going to have on people.”
Live updates from the strike outside Derriford Hospital in Plymouth will appear in the live blog below
Lucy Muchina, regional director of Royal College of Nursing south west, has praised the turnout for the strikes this morning.
This is just the latest in a line of strikes from a number of different industries across the UK.
Thousands of nurses from the Royal College of Nursing are striking. It is the first time the union has held strikes like this in its 106-year history.
The RCN is calling for a pay rise of five per cent above inflation.
In the summer the Government announced that NHS staff in England would get a rise of £1,400 for all pay bands but unions argued it was effectively a pay cut due to inflation.
RCN’s chief Pat Cullen accused health secretary Steve Barclay of being “disrespectful and disingenuous” after she revealed he refused to even discuss pay at crunch talks on Monday.
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has released a message for patients. It says: "You will be contacted if your appointment needs to be changed. Please continue to come forward for the care you need."


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