MP incorrectly claims public sector pay has 'kept up with inflation' – NursingNotes

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An MP has incorrectly claimed that public sector pay has “kept up with inflation”.
During an interview on Good Morning Britain (GMB) this morning, Conservative MP and Government Minister Chris Philp told viewers that the pay of most public sector workers had kept up with the rate of inflation.
The Parliamentary Under Secretary for former-nurse Nadine Dorries claimed, “Over the past ten years, or twelve years, by and large public sector wages have kept up with inflation which has mostly, except the last year or two, has been extremely low.”
In reality, the vast majority of public sector workers endured a half-a-decade pay freeze and pay cap since the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition came to power in 2010.
Making up the largest group of public sector workers, an analysis of NHS pay reveals around a £6,000 real-terms pay cut for the average frontline nurse since 2008.
Doctors, nurses, teachers, firefighters, barristers and rail staff are now campaigning for a restorative pay rise after most working on the frontline throughout the pandemic.
Nurses United UK has called out Mr Philip’s comments, suggesting they are a “lie”.
Lead organiser for the group, Anthony Johnson explained, “It seems like MPs don’t understand simple Maths.
“If nurse’s pay had increased in line with RPI, every year since 2010, our salaries would have increased by 51.5%. The reality is, that a top band 5 nurse’s salary increased by 14.2% in the same period.
“Essentially nurses lost a third of their pay since 2010 and these clowns in Westminster want to lie to the public whilst nurses go to foodbank”
While there is yet to be an announcement on NHS pay for those in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, sources suggest the NHS independent pay review body (NHSPRB) is on track to recommend a pay award of between 4% and 5%.

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