Statement on the threat of legal action by BMA – GMC

Doctors’ Day: Exercise sharpens mind, boosts work, says Pune-based triathlete haematologist – The Indian Express

Thousands of doctors go on strike in England a week before the UK general election – WFTV Orlando

Progression of parents in NHS medical and nursing careers | Institute for Fiscal Studies –

Pills that claim to tan you from the inside out could lead to blindness and melanoma, doctors warn – Daily Mail

Doctors reveal barely known cause of heart disease and cancer – Express

NHS leader warns of widespread disruption as doctors continue strike – Yahoo News UK

WATCH: Doctors strike for fair pay ahead of UK election – Africanews English

One in three nurses will train ‘on the job’ to tackle workforce shortages – NursingNotes

Nurse vacancies in England remain high at more than 43,000 – Nursing Times

Royal College of Nursing responds to UCAS data showing nursing applications drop by almost a fifth in England – Royal College of Nursing

Further rise in nurse vacancies to almost 47,500 – Nursing Times

Severe nursing workforce shortages: new RCN report exposes urgent need for government action – Royal College of Nursing

Junior doctors to stage pay strikes during election campaign – Yahoo News UK

Proposed law changes could ‘make it easier’ for overseas nurses to join NHS – Nursing Times

Working time and breaks – Royal College of Nursing

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