World's first AI hospital opens in China – and it can treat 3,000 patients a day – Express

How much do junior doctors earn? Salary and pay scales as new strike date looms – Yahoo Canada Finance

Doctors hail blood test that predicts if breast cancer will come back years before it shows up on scans – Daily Mail

Doctor's warning 'before you throw food away' about truth of expiration dates – The Mirror

Top UK doc died after botched procedure 'that should never have been done' – The Mirror

One of UK's best doctors killed by procedure 'that should never have been recommended' and he 'did not consent to' – Yahoo News UK

British satisfaction with healthcare drops to new low ahead of election – Reuters UK

Hackney drive-by shooting: Doctors 'can't remove bullet' from girl, 9, left fighting for life – The Mirror

Doctor died after surgery for condition he was expert on, coroner rules – The Telegraph

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Will King Charles resume his presidency of the British Medical Association, now controlled – Daily Mail

The doctors' guide to knowing if your runny nose is silent reflux – Daily Mail

Junior doctors in England to strike in election run-up – Reuters UK

NHS doctor makes ominous 20-year prediction about dangers of vaping – The Mirror

Junior doctors in England to stage 5-day walkout ahead of general election – Anadolu Agency

Careers Resources for Nurses – Royal College of Nursing

Junior doctors to strike on week before general election – Yahoo News UK

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