Glowing dye that clings to cancer cells gives doctors 'second pair of eyes' – The Independent

UK nurse took Aussie job 'nobody wanted', forced to flee within months – Daily Mail

Doctors issue Greece warning for UK toursists after four deaths – Hull Live

Doctors issue Greece warning for UK tourists after four deaths – Wales Online

Doctors issue Greece warning for UK toursists after four deaths – Teesside Live

British people are embracing immigration and keen for migrants to fill health care gaps – The National

Doctors share five major 'red flags' that show your skin mole could be cancerous – The Mirror

Junior doctors should call off strike if parties agree to talks – health leaders – The Independent

Dr Michael Mosley collapsed and died of 'natural causes' outside Greek holiday resort at 4pm, two and a half h – Daily Mail

Top doctors warn shortage of NHS radiologists will rise to 40 per cent by 2028 – The Independent

NHS England » Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: New career pathway widens employment opportunities – NHS England

Doctors remove 20lb spleen 'the size of a toddler' from man after 17-year ordeal – The Mirror

UK Physicians, Decrying Scope Creep, Ask Royal College President to Resign – TCTMD

Young woman in agony battling mystery illness that doctors can't diagnose – The Mirror

With 1 out of 3 Californians on Medicaid, doctors push ballot measure to force state to pay more – The Independent

Nursing is most in demand job as NHS staff struggle with high turnover – The Mirror

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